Sunday, September 13, 2015

How did a husband learn to sew?

A few years ago in 2007, my wife and her committee at church coordinated a QOV (Quilts of Valor) event. Over three days people got together to cut and sew quilt tops. I attended with a large group of experienced and inexperienced people working together for a good cause. I started Friday night with the simple task of cutting fabric. I didn't know what I was doing but I was in good company and there were plenty of people to guide me.

At some time on Saturday there was a sewing machine available and I was encouraged that I could put strips together and even make four patches. By some time on Sunday I had put a complete quilt top together, with the help of others around me.

In the days that followed there were left over block of various colors. With a love of puzzles I took on the challenge of putting groups together to create patterns that would become additional quilt tops from the left over blocks.

So in a weeks time I had gone from an unskilled sewer to someone fairly confident with the machine. And that my friends is how a husband learns to sew.


  1. Still remember the adorable looks from your sewing wife at dinner when discussing your sew-time ;) These are wonderful~ how many beautiful treasures come from scraps...

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