It is a Sunday blog so a great day to talk about grace. Grace is giving for the sake of giving. It is not expecting anything in return. It is actually giving to those who can't give in return. Many people give so they can get, they are often thinking of what they will get in return. It is December so most people are getting into the gift giving mode. When you buy for others are you really thinking of them and what they want or need? Many people are more caught up in value giving. If I give more will I get more? Am I buying someone a big enough present for what I think they are giving me?
That is why hand-made gifts are so great. If you make it yourself you are giving of yourself. You are giving the gift of your time and talent. If you say you don't have talent think again... If you cook, or bake or sew that is a talent. If you have the ability to listen to someone, care for someone or do something special for someone that is a talent. We all have gifts to give. Sometimes it is just a gift of time.
Charity gifts - many people have too much stuff already. Give a donation (gift) to a cause that is near and dear to their heart. This is also my chance to get on my soapbox... Many charities that make the most noise and promote the most have high administrative costs. Click this link for
Charity Navigator to check on a charity. Find out where the money really goes to. Many charities pay big bucks to CEO's or board members or advertising costs. I really like
Lutheran World Relief and
Lutheran Disaster Response.
Truth in advertising - I am a life long Lutheran
. It is my religious preference but I do not believe it any better than your religious beliefs. It is who I am and how I was raised. It is based on the belief that we are saved by grace. God's grace is freely given to us as a gift. It is not given to us based on what we do for others, but what we do for others is in response to the grace God has given us.